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With Jacobsen the future truly is electric

These are exciting times for Jacobsen Turf, the establishment of the company’s Ipswich plant as a global centre of excellence, the consolidation of all production into the United Kingdom and the development of impressive new products represents a huge step forwards towards the future.

Speaking earlier this year at the GIS show, Lee Kristensen, Global Product Manager at Jacobsen, explained some of the ways in which Jacobsen is leading the charge with electric lithium technology in the ground care industry.

“Firstly, we have the Eclipse 360 lithium ELiTE now in full production, building on the ten years of experience Jacobsen has got with ride-on-electric greens mowers and adding in the expertise of the many hours Textron Specialized Vehicles ELiTE lithium technology has amassed on golf courses. Bringing all this together is a great partnership in a really effective premier greens machine.”

“The Eclipse 360 itself has had all its components reviewed, looking for the most reliable solutions out there. This is really well illustrated with its brushless actuators that have over ten times the life of the previous versions.”

“We'll take this reliability on into new platforms and applications. The range we are achieving with the ELiTE Samsung batteries in the Eclipse 360 meant we could quickly take it on to open up new applications such as the prototype model we're showing here (at the GIS show), which is a wide-area, five-unit light reel mower.”

“This reel mower will match the work of your current fairway mower but can do it all in a quiet and green manner with no noise and no hydraulic fluid.”

“At the other end of the electrification spectrum, you've got the very heavy-duty commercial applications where machines are run very hard all day long, cutting wide area spaces both in towns and cities and in golf course roughs. To help tackle that space, we're looking at a prototype concept out-front rotary mower. We are putting components through durability testing and are carrying out cycle testing of long ranges on the battery packs to make sure we've got this application covered with our ELiTE expertise.”

“From the full production units through to the prototypes we're showing here today, none of this would be possible without Jacobsen's electrical expertise and ELiTE innovative technology leading the charge. With Jacobsen, the future is truly electric.”

You can watch a video version of this talk from Lee here:

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